I finished reading
The Help.
I loved it!
I feel like this is a book for now, for these times, today.
It's not just a depiction of the extreme ugliness that went on in Jackson, Mississippi in 1963.
I have beautiful friends that moved from California to Mississippi a few years ago.
Their comment is that, "It's like stepping back in time 40 years."
They described a racism that remains that "deeply grieves the heart of God."
It's still around.
But this book isn't just about racism prejudice.
This book is about "us and them."
There are prejudices thick and ugly, not as horrific as mentioned in the book, but very present in our culture here, today and now.
"Us" and "Them".
Do you know what I mean?
Have you seen it too?
Political Parties
Sexual Preferences
Religious Denominations
Peet's and Starbucks People
Cosmetic Surgery People and Natural Agers
Fast Food Lovers and Health Nuts
Country Club Members
Non Church People and Church People
Sports Fans of Opposing Teams
Some of these examples are profoundly sad and some just silly. My point is that if we are really honest with ourselves, some of the hypocrisies depicted in this book, are still here today. Some judgements we make are just as irrational as the ones in the relationships described in The Help, but they are not as devastating-- YET! They are only acceptable and more palatable because there are more people and groups to dislike because they are not - just like you.
Just like us.
Just like me.
This book brought out very tender moments that remind us that we are all individual people. Just because you are on a "team", doesn't mean that you think, feel, and behave like everyone else on your "team".
I loved this about the book.
I hope you see what I saw in it.
I hope you reflect on your own judgements and determine yourself to treat people with love and dignity no matter which team they are on.
Not preachy.
I want to try even harder after reading this delightful book.
A very timely book.
Great post. An amazing read and I think the film represented itself quite well.