Wednesday, October 26, 2011

They're Creepy and They're Kooky...

Mysterious and spooky,
They're all together ooky
No, not the Adam's Family--
Why did I sign my kids up for speech tournaments?
My eyeballs are sore
from editing 
Their first tournament is in a week and a half.
Talk about terrifying levels of fear!

This is an excellent experience 
for them but for some reason
it's making me beyond
However, in the process of this horror,
I'm finding that I'm learning a few things
and I thought it would be fun to 
pass on a few bits of trivia from
my children's speeches.
Did you know that one of the uses for duct tape
introduced in the Jumbo Book of Duct Tape
is teeth whitening?
They suggest that you stick white duct tape to your teeth.
Did you know that in 2003, 
three people lost their lives
following the US Department of Homeland Security's
suggestion to seal their doors and windows of their home
plastic wrap and duct tape to survive a 
chemical terrorist attack?
Did you know that duct tape is a medically suggest remedy for 
removing warts?
one of my amazing children is giving a speech on the
wonders of Duct Tape and yes there are many!
Storyboards are the other topic.
I don't have any humorous or even really weird bits of trivia
for storyboards,
only to say that they are really, super cool
and without them Hollywood would waste even more truckloads 
of money making movies.

One perk is that I will get to see my handsome
14 year old son dressed dapper
and deliciously handsome in his brand new suit.
Dress code standards are suit and tie.
Poor kid, but happy mom.
Here's a glimpse.

The other thing that I'm learning is that doing things
with your kids, whether cooking, playing Kinnect sports,
taking a walk,
or even writing a speech together,
is really special time.
Even though public speaking is most people's #1 top
most horrifying thing they could think of to do,
it is an invaluable skill
for living life.
I must say that the
time spent together writing,
memorizing, editing, polishing,
reviewing and practicing
is very precious time
that I'm thankful to have with them.
I could write a speech about that.

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