7 - 9
Be there.
This is my AwesomeFashionableGodFearingFunLovingFriend Todd
and SweetJill's (she's all that other stuff too!) store.
According to his blog they are offering a
15% "event only" discount
30% discount on last season Tart
the first 20 guests will receive a FREE Tart Burnout Tee!
Plus champagne and cheese will be served.
I know they are very excited about adding this line to their inventory.
So I'm excited to see what all the buzz is about.
I'll be there and I hope to see you.
And remember that Edge carries the wonderful
Tierra Mia Organics goat milk soap
that we looooooove!
And what awesome stocking stuffers
they will make.
You can refer back to my post
"A Good Clean Story"
for more on why I looooove this item.

Haiti Orphans Benefit Concert
Sunday 10.23.11
that bar 148 E Prospect Ave
Danville 6:00 pm
Sunday 10.23.11
that bar 148 E Prospect Ave
Danville 6:00 pm
Join us for a fun and casual concert to benefit Haitian orphans from the island of La Gonave, Haiti. 100% of all proceeds will be given directly to the orphans project.
Currently the orphanage is housing over 70 children, some who lost their parents in the devasting 2010 earthquarke.
Shine is partnering with Okipe, an non-profit co-op to help develop a brand new living compound for the children including living quarters, kitchen, classrooms and staff facilities. To learn more, visit www.okipe.org.
ThatBar is graciously supporting the event by providing the facility free of charge and by donating 5% of the food and drink proceeds. Food and beverages will be available during the concert. Check out the menu @ www.thatbardanville.com. Please remember to thank them for their support.
History of Painters Facebook page @ www.facebook.com/historyofpaintersband
I am sooooo excited about this event!
Some of you may have seen the flyer I posted last week.
Tickets are only $10!
Ten Dollars!!!!
I grabbed this information for my blog from Eventbrite
which is where you go to get tickets.
It's simple!
Click on the Eventbrite link
(the highlighted word will take you there).
Then under Ticket Information
follow the steps to order your tickets.
If you are bumming because you have a scheduling conflict
you can make a donation to the cause right there under
Ticket Information.
Not long ago, I did a "blowing bubbles" post about
a friend of mine that I sincerely look up to
as one of my HeroFriends.
Some of you might remember
and if you don't
look it up under "older posts".
That HeroFriend of mine, Bill Cody, is the director of Shine,
which is organizing this event.
So if you come, you can meet this
yourself, in person!
Please, please, please invite your friends,
treat them by purchasing their tickets.
This is such a fun, fun, fun way
to make a difference!
And the band!
Holy Cow!
We are so lucky to have this
San Luis Obispo sensation up here in our parts.
They are a very sincere alternative/folk
band that are dedicated to, according to their webpage,
"making honest music that makes a difference."
That's why I am so excited,
not to mention, that I've heard a few songs,
and they are awesome.
I'd like to mention that the name of the venue
suggests that this a crazy bar atmosphere.
I'd say that this is true any other night,
(or actually early afternoon - sorry ThatBar)
than this.
I have been assured that this event
is absolutely, 100% family friendly,
in spite of the location!
I'm definitely bringing my kids.
Hopefully some day soon,
I'll take them to Haiti,
but since I can't do that now,
this is what I'm doing
I sure hope to see
you there.
Drop me a comment if I'll see you there.
I'd love to hear from you.
And here's another thing I'm looking forward to.
Just for fun!
One of Calli's FabulousDancingInstructorsMissJenny is going to be
performing in:

I am so excited to support Miss Jenny's talent in this exciting show.
She and her TrulyTalentedEquallyFunMissMegan have
been wonderful influences in our community
to the young girls who are privileged
enough to have landed in their
dance school
I, and all the other moms, who have discovered them
are truly grateful for their dedication,
professionalism, unwavering commitment to the
artistry of dance.
They are a bunch of gorgeous and genuine
women who respect
the gift of dance and their stylistic diligent consideration
of the age appropriateness of
costumes and body movement
have truly blessed our family and
our dance community.
You will never need to overt your eyes during one of their shows.
You will leave feeling uplifted and in awe of the
wonder and beauty of choreography with
So, that was quite an unplanned plug for
Good luck getting in if I just sold you on it
and I hope I did.
With the amazing, beautiful, professional
team of instructors that they've lined up,
they are a very full house but even if you have to sit on
a waiting list,
I wholeheartedly promise that
(and there are openings, it may just be the few classes my daughter takes that are maxed out).
Now, back to Hairspray!
Since MissJenny is one of the lovely ladies that has
stood in our family as a positive role
model for my little girl for several
years now, you can bet
that I want to support
her talents outside of classroom as well.
So we're going!
And I certainly hope that I've encouraged
you to attend as well!
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